Monday, July 14, 2008

The Boys first trip to Yankee Stadium!!

On Saturday we took the boys to the beach with the Griffin family - Paulie is still really disturbed by Sand - Anthony got really into it this time, but not until seeing Mark & Andrew playing in it. Amazing the impact kids have on each other - mommy & daddy playing in the sand means nothing. It was a long day 11am-6 pm - but the kids had a great time. We even went for dinner afterwoods at The Surfside - yum! pics here
On Sunday Uncle Ricky came to town from FLA and asked if we could take the kids to Yankee stadium for the MLB celebrity all star game - I at first was hesitant...the crowd, the heat, their only two. But we all agreed that if didn't work out we would leave immediatly. Well it was quite the opposite - actually cool, not crowded and the stadium was filled with kids and the staff was very accommodating and nice to kids (not usual). it was only 5 innings and it went quick. The kids had a good time - but are still too young for this - the blimp was much more interesting to them! click here for pics. The boys absolutley LOVE Uncle Rick - He had Anthony and Paulie cracking up with his acts and dancing - so much so that Anthony is chanting Uncle Ricky! Uncle Ricky! I hate to pick favorites but....

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