Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Great Escape!!

I can't say I haven't been warned - however it has happened...the boys escaped their crips! Anthony accomplished this first and two days later Paulie caught on and now their both out! Paulie has been waking up at about 2 am for the past couple of days and after 3 days of it we got tired and just put him in our bed with us - simply so we could sleep (completely broke one of the rules I said I would never do). So the first day Anthony escaped Paulie was in our bed. Mimi our Au Pair wakes up very early by choice and was in the kitchen at 6:30 am and along comes Anthony (completely scared the crap out her) and is saying "Paudee?, Paudee?"
unbeknownst to Mimi Paulie was in our bed. Paul went to put Paulie back in bed and when he say Anthony not in his crib - just thought Mimi came up and got him. SO - when Mimi went back upstairs Paulie was back his crip and this confused Anthony! finally I got up and spoke to Mimi and we figured out what happened - The gate is now ALWAYS closed upstairs. Poor kids was just looking for his brother!
Okay now their both out and its a task getting them to bed. it takes about 6x of in and out and then finally they get tired of it and go to sleep.
The other night I heard them on the monitor saying Boo-Boo, Boo-Boo. So right away I think one of them got hurt - I run upstairs only to find Athony moved the diaper box so he could get on the dresser and took his Band-Aid's off the dresser and he and Paulie were playing them all over the room! Madonna mia!!
Anthony speech has improved much - he's on a roll. Paulie is slightly stuck and were working on it. Anthony also needs to improve his sharing skills everything is "Mine, Mine"! he also seems to like to con Paulie if, Paulie has something Anthony wants he comes over with a replacement toy for Paulie and says here! Paulie takes it and Anthony gets what he wants. priceless!

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