Monday, November 10, 2008

Cleaning and Much needed haircuts!

The boys needed haircuts badly so after cleaning my house we got dressed and went. As usual they were none to thrilled. Well I guess you can say the buzzer is what they hate most. Anthony told the hairdresser very seriously "no touch hair" it's mine. we then went to eat at Pipers Kilt...NEVER AGAIN!! just because they have booster seats doesn't make them "kid friendly" and this place certainly wasn't! I took the boys to target, mommy needed some stuff and the kids got to pick one toy each. It's the first time they picked out different toys and when we got home, respected them as such. Anthony said "here Paulie here's your truck". And when Paulie saw Anthony's cars he said look Mommy ehh-ehh's cars! I couldn't believe it! no fights!
Sunday Daddy got to babysit while Mommy went to cousin Juliette's shower - until they came back and crashed and started running around..."we're outta here" Good weekend.

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