Monday, December 29, 2008

Thanksgiving/Christmas catch up

I haven't written in a while, and I feel so behind. I'm trying to figure out how to start a summary here. First we (as usual) went upstate for Thanksgiving. I made my decision that next year I'm going to stay home :) and keep myself happy. We have VERY busy weekends that have including The Natural History Museum, Central Park plays, Sports Time, and all that fun stuff!! Its rare for us to stay home on weekends, really. I am always doing something with them.
Anthony is taking up a storm! I had my first heartbreak last night when he said to me "Mommy, stay home". I wasn't sure I heard him right and he indeed repeated himself except this time added "from work" to it...."Mommy, stay home from work". MY HEART CRUSHED!! I know he's too young to understand, but that still does not stop my heart from breaking. He also told this past weekend "I want to kiss you mommy", "my school is really open Mommy, really". He has taking off this past month and I'm so very proud of him.

Paulie is the most sweetest, loving kid...ever. He is having some speech problems but has improved some in the past two months. And loves working with tools and remotes. He got the big dinosaur from Santa and LOVED it!! His favorites word are: "Mommy", "wake up Daddy", "get out of my room", Rocky (Roxy). He is full of hugs for Mommy and makes me so Happy.

More to come...

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