Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Boy's First Day of Nursery School!!

September 9th was the boys first day of Nursery school and I was VERY excited for them (and nervous at the same time). We have been telling them about this for a month now, hoping they wouldn't look like a deer in the headlights, when the time came.

It went great! and there are only 6 kids in the class - so even betta! They walked in said hi and started playing. The first day was only an hour and next week it will start to 2 hours. I stayed inside with them for 30 minutes and then stepped into another room for the other 30, the boys didn't worry or cry one bit without me ot Mimi. Although Anthony didn't want to sit for his last two minutes and didn't like when the teacher asked him to - told her no-no. And got upset when she insisted. He then was asking for Mommy, Daddy. click here for the pictures

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