Monday, September 29, 2008

Rainy Weekend!

The weekend was a bit dreary and since the days of sitting at home watching a movie are completly gone I took the kids to the palisades mall. We had a good time on the merry-go-round and bought some new toys. If a new toy comes in - one comes out! The boys have a lot of toys and I refuse to have a playroom full of neglected toys. When I bring something out I put away a month or so ago, they act like its brand new all over again. It works!
The camera memory card is full and since Paul refuses to delete - we have no pictures from our adorable weekend. Mommy's buying a new fancy camera - yeah! a mommy toy for once!

Monday, September 15, 2008

A Short Mother's Note...

The weekend was running around with the kids as usual. I lay down with Paulie (only because Anthony doesn't need me to - at all) everynight before he goes to bed for about 10 min. I don't mind and my motto is - It won't be long before he wants nothing to do with me, in a way, right now I have control and before you know it, well I just won't.
When I do - he snuggles up next to me and I pretend to be sleeping to trick him into closing his eyes. I open one eye to see what's going on and he takes his lovie and runs it on my cheek and nose (like he does to himself) and says in a whispering voice "night, night mommy--sleep ight mommy" and does a second snuggle. He thinks he put me to sleep! These are the little things that keep me going - I simply could not live a day without my kids! Although I would love a weekend getaway - I'm not sure I would be able to breathe.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Boy's First Day of Nursery School!!

September 9th was the boys first day of Nursery school and I was VERY excited for them (and nervous at the same time). We have been telling them about this for a month now, hoping they wouldn't look like a deer in the headlights, when the time came.

It went great! and there are only 6 kids in the class - so even betta! They walked in said hi and started playing. The first day was only an hour and next week it will start to 2 hours. I stayed inside with them for 30 minutes and then stepped into another room for the other 30, the boys didn't worry or cry one bit without me ot Mimi. Although Anthony didn't want to sit for his last two minutes and didn't like when the teacher asked him to - told her no-no. And got upset when she insisted. He then was asking for Mommy, Daddy. click here for the pictures

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day Weekend - 2008

We were due for a visit upstate so we packed up and left Saturday morning. My crazy mother-in-law has a Hummer, HHR, Tractors, 4 wheelers and golf carts. There are also a lot of animals like: horses, goats, roosters, cows etc.. basically a little boys paradise - or - at least my boys.
Click here are some pics
So we bbq and soaked up all the fresh mountain air for the weekend. The boys were so excited with all the trucks they didn't want to go to sleep. So the next night we took them for drive to put them to bed - yup it worked!!

I came to the realization this weekend that the boys pretty much get whatever they want - and stepped out of my shoes for a moment to see the reaction of them when they didn't. I also realized that because, for the past couple of months their speech wasn't the greatest (getting much better now) that I basically would ask them if they wanted something constantly and pretty when I got a Yeessss - I gave it to them. Now I have to start telling them what's going to happen and what's not. Otherwise....well any parent knows... little horns appear on the head. This is one of the moments when its rough to have two at the same age.