Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer Potty Training

The time has come to start potty training. Miriam (our Au Pair) and I discussed how we would approach it and we went with wearing nothing but underwear at home and pull ups when we go out. Anthony has been very successful and has had couple of acidents BUT a lot of pee-pee on the potty and a couple of poops. When I'm out with them I'm constantly asking "pee-pee guys??" and Anthony actually came to me (without me asking) holding his pee and said "Moommmmy Peeeee" we were at he Park (with no bathrooms) and GASP...I let him pee on the grass - I know trashy - but what was I to do? and he got a kick out of it. It worked and we didn't have an acident. Paul and I are going to find a portable potty. Paulie is making Pee on the Potty however whenever we ask him he always tells us "No-No". So he's a quarter of the way there. We are still working hard at this and hopefully will have major progress soon. Then of course we have to work on having no Diapers all night.

When I say "we" I mean Miriam and myself - Paul has not been active at helping with this. Miriam has been a HUGE help and really deserves a lot of credit here as I'm at work all day she really has spent a lot of time with this.

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