Monday, April 21, 2008

Marky's 4th Birthday!

What a beautiful weekend! Saturday was a another fun filled day at the park and runnning around outdoors. We love to see them so happy and full of energy - the park was VERY packed on Saturday and I guess its good practice for the boys to get use to bigger kids - We were very proud when the boys "held their own" with the big kids. Although Paul (Daddy) had to put one in check - it went very well. We also ate again in city Island - we can't help it when its nice out and we want seafood - where else to eat outdoors - that's kid friendly? we came home and bouced in our new castle where they LOVE to burn even more energy! This was a great gift from their Nanna.
Sunday we had our open house so we left early for the Hamptons to "Auntie Love's" for Marky's 4th Birthday (my baby Godchild)!! what a BLAST!! it was like a boy heaven all complete with dirt, trucks, 4-wheelers, soccer balls/basket ball, trains, movies and a big boy bed (that Anthony got pretty cozy in and tried to take a nap). Mark Sr & Danielle (Auntie Love) went above and beyond with a SUPER DUPER brunch for the party and I mean an all out brunch! Together they made everything (eggs benedict, omlette's upon request, varity of meats, homade waffles, pancakes, juices, fruits, champagne, bloody mary's) it was a great idea!! (pictures to the left). Of course the boys didn't want to leave! they fell asleep for the 1.5 hour drive home (major power nap) and didn't want to go to Sleepy until about 9:30 pm. Oh and Uncle stopped by - so forgettabot it!!

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