Monday, April 14, 2008

Another great weekend..

This weekend turned out to be so nice we got up and out early and went to the park to play we also took another look at a house we put a bid on. We hate this waiting game - its stressful - but hopefully worth it in the end. Also listed our house. Lots of work involved here.
The boys are getting bigger by the minute - Anthony is trying to say new words everyday and Paulie is talking with actions. Everynight when I tell them "come on its time for sleepy sleepy night night" - Anthony tells me: "uh-uh..Nooooo" and is very serious about it. Paulie loves looking in the mirror at himself. He's almost saying "damn I'm good looking" it's really funny. They are loving Apples and tell me appeees and point to the fruit bowl. Uncle Sean came over and showed the kids how to dance - now they are dancing saying uh-uh-uh- and pointing their fingers in the air. It looks like John Travolta - and its hysterical!

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