Friday, December 14, 2007

A Trip to China is Necessary!

So like I said in my last post - It's been Christmas everyday for the boys and last night I gave them a Fastlane Speed Track and like every other toy that's made - It's NOT simple to put together. Everytime I open a new toy - I think I actually get anxiety. I just want to round up my friends and our kids and get on a flight to China and barge in one of the Presidents office with a bunch of new toys and Mom's and say now watch this! as we try to pry the toys out of the box break the tape, undo all the Twistie's, and wait...some you now need a screwdriver for! and these plastic little peices that are attached to the twistie's. Now after 30 minutes of getting it out of the box lets try and put the toy together!! note to china: mark the peices on toys with a simple Part A, Part B, Part C, etc..
I need to have a focus group in China and have the makers and packers just watch! as our kids our so anxious to see what their new toy is and how frustrating it can be on parents to get the toy out of the box and put it together. And more importantly - while I'm there we'll have to discuss their paint sitituation too!
Now on a lighter note - the boys have been playing so cute together, they had a splashing war in the tub the other night and it was hysterical. Paulie would splash and stop and Anthony sort of said "oh yeah" watch this and Paulie would watch and then come back with another. This went on for about 7 minutes. The bathroom was a mess - but this one was well worth it.

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