Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sweet Little Things & Terrible Twos??

Paulie and Anthony's playroom is finished and the the boys were running in circles with happiness and laughing hysterically. I also ran around the playroom with them and when I stopped along comes my little bosses pushing me around as if he were telling me - no you can't stop - keep running! Paulie has been for a while waving good-bye and says bye-bye to the movie credits when his shows are done. I came home from work and tried to sit on the couch to take off my work shoes and Anthony sort of comes behind me and starts pushing me like he wants me up, then he grabs my hand brings me to the snack cabinet and says ehhhh and points - "I want a cookie" Although their absolute favorite is when Daddy (at times only) brings home Dunkin Donut munchkins - their favorite - and they recononize the box now.
My boys are absolute camera hams - Uncle AJ (another ham) was showing Grammy pictures of himself on his digi camera and Anthony thought that Uncle was taking his picture so he's reapeatly saying "Cheeezzzee" over and over. AJ (or anyone who doesn't have kids) did not hear his little chant - I had to Chime in to Uncle - Take his pic already and make him happy!
I'm also getting alot of head shaking lately - and here's a funny twin story - one only shakes his head no and the other shakes his head yes - I think there working together, Its really really funny. At least they getting the yes and no thing now. Speaking of which I say to the boy "let's put on Jammies! I get Anthony/Paulie shaking NO and a hand throw. Oh the other day I asked Paulie if he had Poop in diapers and he shook his head Yes!! Paulie also insists I wear my slippers and he puts them on my feet - I am not allowed to take them off. Although the Boys refuse to wear theirs!

So the boys will be 2 on Feb 1st and I think - I now get somewhat of what terrible two's are - we went to Grammy's house the other day and it sort of was like "Paulie don't put that in the garbarge" "Anthony stop ripping Grammy's plant up & put back her little ceramic White House" "Paulie get out of the kiddie litter box" "Anthony don't knock that over" "wait where's Paulie?" - "Paulie mommy said No - do not roll the toliet paper off the hook" - having twins is can be very challenging where you have about a QUICK second to have discipline talk before you need to look up and find the other one. So this is something I need to work on. I refuse to be a Mom who's calling her kids names a hundred times and have them walking all over me - I will conquer this one somehow! I'll post the boys "in action' video shortly.

Friday, December 14, 2007

A Trip to China is Necessary!

So like I said in my last post - It's been Christmas everyday for the boys and last night I gave them a Fastlane Speed Track and like every other toy that's made - It's NOT simple to put together. Everytime I open a new toy - I think I actually get anxiety. I just want to round up my friends and our kids and get on a flight to China and barge in one of the Presidents office with a bunch of new toys and Mom's and say now watch this! as we try to pry the toys out of the box break the tape, undo all the Twistie's, and wait...some you now need a screwdriver for! and these plastic little peices that are attached to the twistie's. Now after 30 minutes of getting it out of the box lets try and put the toy together!! note to china: mark the peices on toys with a simple Part A, Part B, Part C, etc..
I need to have a focus group in China and have the makers and packers just watch! as our kids our so anxious to see what their new toy is and how frustrating it can be on parents to get the toy out of the box and put it together. And more importantly - while I'm there we'll have to discuss their paint sitituation too!
Now on a lighter note - the boys have been playing so cute together, they had a splashing war in the tub the other night and it was hysterical. Paulie would splash and stop and Anthony sort of said "oh yeah" watch this and Paulie would watch and then come back with another. This went on for about 7 minutes. The bathroom was a mess - but this one was well worth it.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Getting ready for Christmas

The past two weeks have been fun and some work. Paul decided to put a sliding glass door in the kids playroom and that turned into new skylight, new siding, new insulation, now its pretty major and the kids have had no playroom for about 5 weeks now. its been pretty trying for Miriam and myself - trying to keep the kids busy and entertained. So basically for the past two weeks they have been getting new toys to keep their minds off their playroom. Lots of new Trucks, Trains, Cars, movies, etc. Going to the park as much as possible. The boys have really been doing adorable stuff latley; like giving hugs and kisses, Anthony is shaking his no when he doesn't want to do something (I know that's not too adorable - but for now it is) when I'm vacuuming they run and get their little dirt devil and sort of follow behind me. Speaking of that - I'm considering a house cleaner - if anyone knows of one - please let me know. I'd like to retire from that event! They also know that lovies and binky's do not leave the crib and car. So when we get dressed in the moring - I tell them put lovees and binky's back to sleep - they throw them back into the cribs and run to me. Life with the Yanni boys have been a lot of fun lately and every weekend they show me something new. We went and got our X-mas tree and decorated the house this weekend - now as soon as that playroom is done (this Saturday) - things will be great!