Monday, November 10, 2008

Cleaning and Much needed haircuts!

The boys needed haircuts badly so after cleaning my house we got dressed and went. As usual they were none to thrilled. Well I guess you can say the buzzer is what they hate most. Anthony told the hairdresser very seriously "no touch hair" it's mine. we then went to eat at Pipers Kilt...NEVER AGAIN!! just because they have booster seats doesn't make them "kid friendly" and this place certainly wasn't! I took the boys to target, mommy needed some stuff and the kids got to pick one toy each. It's the first time they picked out different toys and when we got home, respected them as such. Anthony said "here Paulie here's your truck". And when Paulie saw Anthony's cars he said look Mommy ehh-ehh's cars! I couldn't believe it! no fights!
Sunday Daddy got to babysit while Mommy went to cousin Juliette's shower - until they came back and crashed and started running around..."we're outta here" Good weekend.

Neice Nephew's weekend

Saturday - Its was my neices 13th Birthday and Nephew's 15th (I still can't believe it) and we went up to my brothers for the party! the boys had a ball running around playing football, baseball, soccer and hanging out in Jacob's room. Anthony is really coming along speech wise and talking up a storm! It's funny because the big kids forget they were ever little and get rather annoyed when the little ones make some noise. I love it and laugh and remind them all the time, how, in their words "annoying" they were.
Sunday we went to Tibbetts Park and had another great time playing in the Park.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween weekend

The mad dash home for Mommy, get the kids dressed, fed & out the door for our annual trick-or-Treating at Joey's. The kids had a great time and this was the first Halloween that I believe they knew what was going on - it was really adorable. they ran with the little buckets and screaming "trick or treat" and racked up on Candy that evil mommy hid as soon as we got home. I'm sure next this won't be as easy. Had a ball this year.
Saturday we had Nico & Tori's B-day party and the boys played football with the big boys and rode their Big Wheels and hung out with Jacob & Hailey.
Sunday we decided to take the kids to the dinner for lunch and then went to Tibbetts Park - it was a great fall day and I again had a great time watching the boys play. For the first time - Anthony claimed his Mommy. Another boy at the party gave me a hug and here comes Anthony "No--thats my Mommy" How sweet is he? I'm sucking this up before he starts with- Mom drop me off at the corner so my friends can't see you.
Pics to follow

Fall Weekend

We had a crazy weekend as usual. We went to Uncle's suprise B-day party Friday night and then up early on Saturday and went to the mall on Saturday with the boys - they love those cars and cheap 1 second .50 rides. The boys are really developing a sense if imagination - and its so fun to watch. On Sunday we went to Battery Park City (great park there) and played in the playground ran in the park and had a super day! we then went to Edo's on Pelham and had Japanese Hibachi. Paulie (my wild twin) LOVED it. Anthony well..not so amused by the fancy fire building skills - you can almost see Paulie's devilish look (smile) and Anthony's scared face in the photo. The boys are doing great with Potty training.