Friday, November 9, 2007


So at bathtime last night Anthony just started jabbling away - it was SO adorable. It sounds like a mixture of Chinese, Italian & German. giba, goba, buca, buppa. He looks you straight in the eyes and then just starts talking for about a minute and half then pauses and starts again. I do believe he will be the first to start talking - other then animal sounds their not talking yet. I still think about what it's going to be like when they both start talking to me at the same time. In my heart I know; I will love it, however my Mommy friends tell me to get my pills ready! I remember when they were trying to walk and I said; I couldn't wait she firmly told me (A.C. that's you!) "What are you crazy! - you spend the first two years teaching them to walk and talk and the next 18 telling them to sit down and shut up"! I'm sure there all right - however I still can't wait for all these graduations! Love you Boys!

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