Friday, February 10, 2006

Our Uncle's! (Zio's)

Uncle AJ (with some chick)

Uncle Rob

Uncle Sean

Uncle Michael

Uncle Anthony & Uncle Artie

Our Au Pair - Miriam

Miriam is our AuPair from Germany - she came here in August and we are just thrilled to have her as a part of our family. She is with the boys all day and they just love going to the park and playing with her. She cooks them varieties of: breakfast, lunch and dinner and the boys just love it. Mommy and Daddy put a lot of trust into Miriam and she just great!


Mommy & Daddy
Nanny & Pop Pop
Nono (Poppa-R.I.P.) & Nanny
Nonna (Grandma) R.I.P
Damaino (Dom), Nicolas (Nico) & Victoria (Tori)


Joe & Wendy
Rosina, Pasqulina, Filomina, Rosanne & Toni

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Family Cuz's & friend's Pictures

One of the cousin's Gang

John & Toni

Nunzio & Linda

Henry & Annie

Filomina & Fankie

Arturo & Suzi

Rubin & Roseanne

Joey "Guns" Sabia

Emma & Marky "Baby Godchild" Sirico

Amanda Ditomasso

Joey Ditomasso

Ema "Cuz" Sirico

Brian & Danny Lucia

Victoria Cassario

Mia & Isabel Netrosio

Jordan Katz

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Favorite Foods

Breakfast: Pancakes, Waffles, scrambled eggs, French toast, Raisin Toast & Turkey sauage,

Lunch: Grilled cheese, egg salad, chicken salad, Bologna, ham, tuna & turkey sandwiches, hotdogs, crackers & cheese

Fruit: Grapes, Strawberries, Bananas, rasberries, pears, apples, cantalope, watermelon

Dinner: Pizza, chicken nuggests w/french fries (Anthony's favorite), pasta w/cheese & butter sauce, pasta w/meatballs, steak, grilled chicken.

Veggies: String beans, brocolli, peas, carrots, spinach w/garlic & oil

Snacks: Cookies (any and all kids), PediaSure Nutri Pals Balanced Nutrition S'mores Bar, Go Gurts, Icecream sandwiches, and whatever Mommy & Daddy eats.