Monday, October 2, 2006

Favorite Toys

The Boys favorites are as follows:

Roller Coaster
Trucks: all construction types
Trains: Thomas
Dirt Devil vacuum (for kids)
Baseball (Paulie)
Books (Anthony only): especially "My big Truck book" & Aruba Photo alblum.
Four Wheelers
Daddy's tools (only the safe ones)

Friday, February 10, 2006

Our Uncle's! (Zio's)

Uncle AJ (with some chick)

Uncle Rob

Uncle Sean

Uncle Michael

Uncle Anthony & Uncle Artie

Our Au Pair - Miriam

Miriam is our AuPair from Germany - she came here in August and we are just thrilled to have her as a part of our family. She is with the boys all day and they just love going to the park and playing with her. She cooks them varieties of: breakfast, lunch and dinner and the boys just love it. Mommy and Daddy put a lot of trust into Miriam and she just great!


Mommy & Daddy
Nanny & Pop Pop
Nono (Poppa-R.I.P.) & Nanny
Nonna (Grandma) R.I.P
Damaino (Dom), Nicolas (Nico) & Victoria (Tori)


Joe & Wendy
Rosina, Pasqulina, Filomina, Rosanne & Toni

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Family Cuz's & friend's Pictures

One of the cousin's Gang

John & Toni

Nunzio & Linda

Henry & Annie

Filomina & Fankie

Arturo & Suzi

Rubin & Roseanne

Joey "Guns" Sabia

Emma & Marky "Baby Godchild" Sirico

Amanda Ditomasso

Joey Ditomasso

Ema "Cuz" Sirico

Brian & Danny Lucia

Victoria Cassario

Mia & Isabel Netrosio

Jordan Katz

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Favorite Foods

Breakfast: Pancakes, Waffles, scrambled eggs, French toast, Raisin Toast & Turkey sauage,

Lunch: Grilled cheese, egg salad, chicken salad, Bologna, ham, tuna & turkey sandwiches, hotdogs, crackers & cheese

Fruit: Grapes, Strawberries, Bananas, rasberries, pears, apples, cantalope, watermelon

Dinner: Pizza, chicken nuggests w/french fries (Anthony's favorite), pasta w/cheese & butter sauce, pasta w/meatballs, steak, grilled chicken.

Veggies: String beans, brocolli, peas, carrots, spinach w/garlic & oil

Snacks: Cookies (any and all kids), PediaSure Nutri Pals Balanced Nutrition S'mores Bar, Go Gurts, Icecream sandwiches, and whatever Mommy & Daddy eats.