Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Father's Day and a Week in Montauk

We had a great fathers day at Cousin Toni's house! food was awesome as always! I'm always talking about food aren't I? anyway the boys and daddy had a great time.

We then went to Montauk for a week - its really a beautiful place and Cousin Rosanne and Toni 's house is on the ocean with your very own little beach - just breathless. Anthony loves the beach and Paulie doesn't. Although he warmed up and made several friends - it took him sometime. The boys played on beach, dinned out everyday and slept in big boy beds!!

Click here for Photo's.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Cousin's & Beach weekend

We saw Dioana and her boyfriend Brian - we haven't seen her in...oh about 7 years and we're first cousins! we're horrible. however we caught up and I'm so happy.

We also had our first beach day of the season and headed out to Overlook Beach in LI. It was a great day and Brian and Danny came with us. Anthony was okay with the sand however Paulie...well he needs to warm up some more. We had a great day and really look foward to the summer!
Fiorella had a grd party we went to and the boys had a ball at Aunt Rose's house - they LOVE her cookies!